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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Plus


Touch Football Australia (TFA) supports Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, and Non-Binary people and are active supporters of eliminating discrimination against LGBTQ+ people both on and off the field.


If you would like to learn more about what TFA is doing to promote and include the LGBTQ+ community or how you or your club can become more inclusive, contact our Inclusion Team: inclusion@touchfootball.com.au

Zero Tolerance Statement

Touch Football Australia has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of bullying, harassment, or vilification of people with diverse sexuality and/or gender. Homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and interphobia are not accepted within our sport or workplace.  

Policies & Frameworks

*All policies are inclusive of LGBTQ+ staff, members, volunteers, officials, and their families.

Days of Significance

Days of Significance

Diversity Days are all about celebrating or honouring LGBTQ+ days of significance and increasing awareness of the LGBTQ+ community’s rich and fabulous diversity. Click below to discover significant days for the LGBTQ+ community for your club and team to learn more about and discuss to help increase awareness about upcoming days.

Pride Flags Explained

Pride Flags Explained

Have you ever wondered what the various Pride Flags mean? What do their colours and designs represent? Each flag represents a piece of history in the LGBTQ+ community. Touch Football Australia profiled a handful of flags for Pride Month to educate our community.

LGBTQ+ Social Team Network

Below is a list of the current LGBTQ+ Touch Football teams competing in social competitions around Australia. If you would like to get involved with any of the teams, please reach out to the team contacts listed. 

Welcome Here Project

The Welcome Here Project supports businesses and associations throughout Australia to create and promote environments that are visibly welcoming and inclusive of LGBTQ+ communities.

You can find out more about the Welcome Here Project here.

Below is a list of Touch Football clubs within Australia that are supportive of the Welcome Here Project.

Australian Capital Territory

LGBTQ+ Engagement Analysis

LGBTQ+ Engagement Analysis

Touch Football Australia (TFA) has actively engaged with Pride in Sport, an esteemed national not-for-profit initiative, and consistently participated in the LGBTQ+ engagement survey since 2020. This involvement reflects our commitment to fostering an inclusive environment for employees, athletes, volunteers, and spectators across diverse genders and sexualities within our organisation.


Touch Football Australia Inclusion

Everyone can play. Touch Football Australia is committed to making Touch Football a safe, inclusive and welcoming place for all Australians regardless of gender, sexuality, ability or cultural background.

Staff Ally Network

Staff Ally Network

TFA staff members can be contacted for confidential and informal support. Click below for more information.

Principal Partner

Major Partners

Official Partners

Government Partners