Melbourne Uni Touch Football welcomes people with disability of all ages to try beginner-friendly touch football in the very first All Abilities Touch Football program to launch in Victoria.
All Abilities is an all inclusive program that provides opportunities for people with intellectual or physical impairments to learn Touch Football skills and play the sport with their family members, carers, friends and even elite footy players. With coaching equipment included, it's a safe and supportive opportunity to improve fitness and become active members of the sports community.
Melbourne Uni Program Details:
- Start Date: 31/01/2024
- Program Length: 6 weeks
- Program Times: 5:00pm - 6:00pm
- Where: Walker Oval, MacArthur Road, Parkville VIC 3052
- Registration Fee: $30
For more information, please contact the club directly.
Mobile: 0401 230 413