Touch Football Australia has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of bullying, harassment, or vilification of people with disabilities. Disability discrimination of any sort will not be tolerated within our sport or workplace.
Touch Football Australia’s All Abilities programs are completely inclusive, offering opportunities for people with intellectual and/or physical impairments to learn touch football skills and play the sport with their family members, carers, friends and even elite footy players.
Diversity and Inclusion days of significance for People with Disabilities allow us to celebrate our differences and educate our families and friends.
Below is a list of each of the significant days for People with Disabilities for your club and team to learn more about and discuss to help increase awareness about upcoming days.
If you would like to learn more about what TFA is doing to promote and include the All Abilities community or how you or your club can become more inclusive, you can contact our Inclusion Team.
The Accessibility Champion Course created by Disability Sports Australia is all about identifying, upskilling, and supporting an Accessibility Champion or Champions to help grassroots sporting clubs start the accessibility journey. This free online course has been designed so you can learn at your own pace and complete 4 modules anytime, anywhere, on any device. The course is available on the Australian Sports Commission’s Learning Centre.
An online Inclusive Coaching module is now available for All Abilities program facilitators to complete in preparation for the delivery of programs. The module provides facilitators with the necessary knowledge and understanding required to deliver an All Abilities program at their affiliate.
Everyone can play. Touch Football Australia is committed to making Touch Football a safe, inclusive and welcoming place for all Australians regardless of gender, sexuality, ability or cultural background.