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Every affiliate needs a jack of all trades – someone who doesn’t shy away from getting stuck in and getting things done. That epitomises our August Volunteer of the Month, Jeana Trasler, who has helped the Central Coast Dolphins navigate the difficult COVID times to achieving one of the clubs most successful seasons in their history.

When the Dolphins put out an SOS for volunteers during COVID, Jeana answered the call to help keep the club afloat.  But not only did Jeana help keep the club afloat, she’s been instrumental in creating a welcoming, fun and inclusive environment which has contributed to success both on and off field. 

Whilst Jeana doesn’t do it for the personal recognition, her contributions speak for themselves. She’s become the backbone (or dorsal fin) of the Dolphins, who couldn’t be more grateful for her making the move to the Central Coast from Sydney all those years ago!

As our Volunteer of the Month for August, we spoke to Jeana about her playing days, some of her favourite memories and what’s been the key to the Dolphins recent success.

Congratulations Jeana, can you tell us how you became involved in Touch Football?

I first become involved in Touch Football during my school days (… a long time ago!). Back then Touch Football didn’t quite have as big of a footprint as it does now but there were a few of us who were drawn to the social and fun aspects of it.

After school I kept playing in Sydney until my family and I made the move to the Central Coast where we became involved with the Central Coast Dolphins and we’ve been there ever since! I’ve been playing with my Husband in the mixed comp on Monday nights and recently our daughters have started playing with us which has been really special for us.

Off the field I got involved during COVID when the club sent out an S.O.S. asking for people to put their hand up and help. I was happy to answer the call and found myself in a grants coordinator role to try and bring in funding for the club to offer more programs. Recently, I’ve stepped into the position of secretary.

What do you enjoy/love the most about Touch Football?

I love the inclusive and welcoming nature of the sport. Everyone is welcome to participate and there’s always a position for you regardless of your skill or fitness level or how competitive you are. Our women’s division is a testament to this inclusiveness and diversity – we were keen to see more Mum’s back involved in the sport, so we were able to get in funding to kick-start the competition and since then the division has taken off!

I also love the community spirit that exists within Touch Footy communities. There’s been a few times people from the local community have walked past on one of our competition nights and seen how much fun everyone is having and so they’ve joined a team and become involved.

The final aspect – which hits close to home – is the ability to play with our family! As I mentioned, I’ve been fortunate enough to play with my Husband and Daughters - there aren’t many sports where that’s possible!

Seo Vom August

You wear many hats? What element do you enjoy the most? 

This is a hard one to answer……

My role at the club is really fluid – I’ve had a few titles along the way but I’ve been involved in performing many roles each week. I really enjoyed my time as grants coordinator and seeing what’s come of getting additional funding into the club. We’ve been able to see things come to life such as the women’s comp, mentoring for referees and soon an All-Abilities competition which have all been in large part due to the grants. The All-Abilities competition will be fantastic and I can’t wait to see it take off.

At the end of the day though, I’m just there to do whatever job/task needs to be done. I love seeing it all come together and the joy it brings everyone. I’m fortunate enough to be involved in making some of the big decisions at the club - particularly behind the scenes - which I find really rewarding.

What is your favourite memory or moment in the game?

A recent one springs to mind and that was my time at the NSW State Cup. My Husband and I playing in the 40s division whilst our girls playing in the 20s. The girls went into the tournament not knowing what to expect and they ended up coming 6th overall and making it to the top tier final which was an amazing achievement. It was great to see the success come from the enjoyment the girls all had together. There was no pressure or expectation on them and they thrived in that environment. It was also great watching our men’s team win the Men’s Open competition!

Another memory that springs to mind, and is intertwined with the above, is the 2023/24 season our club. We had a lot of success that year with the 18 Boy’s winning the NSW Junior State Cup, Vawdon Cup and Peter Wilson Memorial Cup and as mentioned above, our Men’s Open winning the NSW State Cup. The success is off the back of the spirit and atmosphere at the club and social competitions.  Everyone at the club has been pitching in from the coaches and parents to the committee members, everyone has put their hand up to help the club grow. We’ve been really focused on having a togetherness within the club. All teams train together for Vawdon Cup on a Monday night and the young kids are encouraged to play in our opens teams social games so they can learn. We’ve been really united and inclusive for a while now and I think that’s been largely responsible for the results we had in 23/24.

VOM August

What have been the biggest advancements in the sport in your opinion?

I think it’s what I’ve touched on a lot and that is the inclusiveness of the sport and how everyone from participants to volunteers are prioritised.  Taking the All-Abilities as an example, I’m a teacher and work with kids with disabilities and to be able to see them play Touch Football in the same way as everyone else, that’s what makes this sport special and sets it apart from others. It’s also the way women are really valued and revered - there are a lot of women who are at the top which is a testament to the sport.

Congratulations Jeana and thanks again for your commitment and dedication towards our sport. 

Jeana is now eligible for the overall TFA Volunteer of the Year award. To recognise volunteers from your community please click here.

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