Today our Mixed Opens team as well as other South Australian Affiliate representatives will be playing touch football in Coffs Harbour at the 2024 Championships.
The team has put in the hard work over the last couple months to prepare themselves for the competition. They will play six regular round games over Friday the 8th of March and Saturday 9th March. Finals matches will be played on Sunday the 9th of March.
Game times are as follows (EST):
Round 1: SA Heat vs WA Tigers 10:00am F6
Round 2: COL Bluefins vs SA Heat 2:00pm F5
Round 3: SA Heat vs UQ Rebels 5:20pm F6
Round 4: WA Tigers vs SA Heat 9:20am F8
Round 5: SA Heat vs COL Bluefins 12:40pm F7
Round 6: UQ Rebels vs SA Heat 3:20pm F16
Semi Final: TBC
Grand Final: TBC
Our two referees attending the tournament have the following game times:
Amanda Sheeky
10:40 F1 WOA
2:40 F1 WOA
7:20 F7 MOA
Be sure to catch Amanda on Kayo Freebies for her field 1 games!
Jon Hall
10:00 F9 SX
12:40 F15 W45
4:40 F15 M50
Keep up to date with fixtures and results on the Touch Football Australia website!