
Simple post-workout habits that’ll help you come back stronger in your next workout, thanks to Australian Youth Coach Karley Banks.

1. Make sure you post-hydrate. It's not just about hydrating during exercise. If you’ve exercised in the heat and sweated a lot, you may benefit from consuming electrolytes, not just water. The best bet is a low-calorie drink that contains electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium.

2. Warm down. An active rather than static recovery is best – a light jog including replicating a few game movements at a very reduced level. Then go through major muscle group stretching exercises for a simple and fast way to help your muscles recover.

3. Get on the roller therapy train. Self-massaging with foam rollers, bands and balls helps reduce muscle soreness and allows tissues and muscles to repair, regenerate and recover. Of course if you can have one, a full body massage can also aid recovery.

4. Try water therapy. After a particularly hard session is when ice baths, pool sessions or contrast water therapy (alternating hot and cold showers) can benefit to help you recover faster, reduce muscle soreness and prevent injury.

5. Eat right. Post-workout, you must refuel your body with high-quality protein and complex carbohydrates to recover, repair tissue, get stronger and be ready for your next session. Popular options: wholegrain toast with hummus; yoghurt with muesli; a protein shake and banana.

6. Wear compression garments afterwards. Even if you didn't wear compression gear during the workout, wearing them after can reduce muscle swelling and fatigue.

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